Monday, December 26, 2005

what web 2.0 ???

Sunday, December 25, 2005 - To learn css Posted by Picasa

Saturday, December 24, 2005

ACCP in memories ~~~~~~~~~~

This is my project... at accp pizza online ordering system..
so anyone who want to order ? no so much function in this system need many thing to brush up guru wanna-b ...


1) There is 3 bulbs in a room .. and 3 switch outside it how can we know which switch for each bulb ?

2) There is two gate keeper once alway tell the truth and one alway lie, if we want enter the right gate how should we do if we can only ask one question from them ?

answer : --------------------------------

Thursday, December 08, 2005

I am only a guru wanna-b, pls be soft on me

Response.Buffer = true;
Response.Expires= -1;
Response.CacheControl = "no-cache";

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Seorang guru wanita sedang bersemangat mengajarkan sesuatu kepada
murid-muridnya. Ia duduk menghadap murid-muridnya. Di tangan kirinya
kapur, di tangan kanannya ada pemadam.

Guru itu berkata, "Saya ada satu
permainan... Caranya begini, ditangan kiri saya ada kapur, di tangan
ada pemadam. Jika saya angkat kapur ini, maka berserulah "Kapur!", jika
saya angkat pemadam ini, maka katalah "Pemadam!"

Murid muridnya pun mengerti dan mengikuti. Guru berganti-gantian
mengangkat antara kanan dan kiri tangannya, semakin lama semakin

Beberapa saat kemudian guru kembali berkata, "Baik sekarang
perhatikan. Jika saya angkat kapur, maka sebutlah "Pemadam!", jika saya
angkat pemadam, maka katakanlah "Kapur!". Dan diulangkan seperti tadi,
tentu saja murid-murid tadi keliru dan kekok, dan sangat sukar untuk
mengubahnya. Namun lambat laun, mereka sudah biasa dan tidak lagi

Selang beberapa saat, permainan berhenti. Sang guru tersenyum kepada
murid-muridnya. "Murid-murid, begitulah kita umat Islam. Mulanya yang
itu haq,
yang bathil itu bathil. Kita begitu jelas membezakannya. Namun
musuh kita memaksakan
kepada kita dengan perbagai cara, untuk menukarkan sesuatu, dari yang
menjadi bathil, dan sebaliknya. Pertama-tama mungkin akan sukar bagi
menerima hal tersebut, tapi kerana terus disosialisasikan dengan
menarik oleh mereka, akhirnya lambat laun kamu akan terbiasa dengan hal
itu. Dan anda mulai dapat mengikutinya. Musuh-musuh kamu tidak pernah
berhenti membalik dan menukar nilai dan ketika.
"Keluar berduaan, berkasih-kasihan tidak lagi sesuatu yang pelik, Zina
tidak lagi jadi persoalan, pakaian seksi menjadi hal yang lumrah, tanpa
rasa malu, sex sebelum nikah menjadi suatu kebiasaan dan trend, hiburan
yang asyik dan panjang sehingga melupakan yang wajib

biasa,materialistik kini menjadi suatu gaya hidup dan lain lain."
"Semuanya sudah terbalik. Dan tanpa disedari, anda sedikit demi sedikit
menerimanya tanpa rasa ia satu kesalahan dan kemaksiatan. Paham?" tanya
Guru kepada murid-muridnya. "Paham cikgu..."
"Baik permainan kedua..." begitu Guru melanjutkan.

"Cikgu ada Qur'an,cikgu akan letakkannya di tengah karpet. Sekarang
berdiri diluar karpet. Permainannya adalah, bagaimana caranya mengambil
Qur'an yang ada ditengah tanpa memijak karpet?"
Murid-muridnya berpikir . Ada yang mencuba alternatif dengan
lain-lain. Akhirnya Guru memberikan jalan keluar, digulungnya karpet,
ia ambil Qur'an. Ia memenuhi syarat, tidak memijak karpet."Murid-murid,
begitulah ummat Islam dan musuh-musuhnya...Musuh-musuh Islam tidak akan
memijak-mijak anda dengan terang-terang...Kerana tentu anda akan
menolaknya mentah mentah.

Orang biasapun tak akan rela kalau Islam dihina dihadapan
mereka. Tapi mereka akan menggulung anda perlahan-lahan dari pinggir,
sehingga anda tidak sadar.
"Jika seseorang ingin membuat rumah yang kuat, maka dibina tapak yang
kuat. Begitulah Islam, jika ingin kuat, maka bangunlah aqidah yang
sebaliknya, jika ingin membongkar rumah, tentu susah kalau dimulai dgn
tapaknya dulu, tentu saja hiasan-hiasan dinding akan dikeluarkan dulu.
kerusi dipindahkan dulu, Almari dibuang dulu satu persatu, baru
rumah dihancurkan..."
"Begitulah musuh-musuh Islam menghancurkan kita. Ia tidak akan
terang-terangan, tapi ia akan perlahan-lahan meletihkan anda. Mulai
perangai anda, cara hidup, pakaian dan lain-lain, sehingga meskipun
muslim, tapi anda telah meninggalkan ajaran Islam dan mengikuti cara
mereka... Dan itulah yang mereka inginkan." "Ini semua adalah fenomena
Ghazwul Fikri (Perang Pemikiran). Dan inilah yang

dijalankan oleh musuh
musuh kita... "
"Kenapa mereka tidak berani terang-terang memijak-mijak cikgu?" tanya
murid- murid.
"Sesungguhnya dahulu mereka terang-terang menyerang, misalnya Perang
Salib, Perang Tartar, dan lain-lain. Tapi sekarang tidak lagi."
Islam... Kalau diserang perlahan-lahan, mereka tidak akan sedar,
hancur. Tapi kalau diserang serentak terang-terangan, mereka akan
serentak, baru mereka akan sadar".
"Kalau begitu, kita selesaikan pelajaran kita kali ini, dan mari kita
berdoa dahulu sebelum pulang..." Matahari bersinar terik takala
itu keluar meninggalkan tempat belajar mereka dengan pikiran
di kepalanya...

Monday, November 21, 2005

Taking Care Of Yourself When You've Lost Your Job

by Diane Tracy
Founder of Tracy Communications

When you've lost your job, regardless of the reason, the first thing you should do is call on your support group, the people in your life who love you and accept you just as you are, the people with whom you can take off the mask. Before you even begin to think about getting another job, you need to take care of your emotional needs. Losing a job usually hurts a lot; you need other people to help you through the pain.

For some of us, asking for help when we are down is tough. Instead of reaching out, we isolate and hide. We are afraid we will appear weak if we let people know how we really feel and that we need help. Like wounded animals, we keep to ourselves and lick our wounds. Some of us may even "growl" at others when they try to assist us and make us feel better. The problem is compounded when we feel we are to blame for what happened. The longer we stay alone in our pain and discomfort, the lower we sink into despair and the longer it takes to get out.

If you are the type who always handles things on your own and rarely ask for help, your current loss can be an opportunity for growth. It's a chance to learn new behaviors that can bring you closer to other people. If you always try to be self-sufficient, you deprive people of the opportunity of knowing you as a human being and you cheat yourself. You can't experience intimacy with others if you never show your vulnerable, hurting side. When you admit that you can't do it alone, you realize your interdependence. You experience a sense of community, of people needing other people, and of being there for one another.

You need people in times of loss. Asking for help when you need it is not a sign of weakness; it is a sign of health. Your pain can be a gift in disguise. It can force you out of isolation and enable you to connect with other people on a deeper level.

When you have needs and strong feelings, you must choose your confidantes carefully. You need people who can listen to you without judgment and who can validate your feelings. Choose carefully whom you go to for help. Some people simply don't have the capacity to get out of themselves and be there for you. They may be uncomfortable watching you express strong feelings. They may have a need to "fix" you by telling you how you should or shouldn't feel, which is of little or no value.

Here are some symptoms that may indicate you have difficulty asking for help:

*Trying to handle problems all by yourself.

*Hiding your feelings from other people when are upset, including those closest to you.

*Feeling resentful when people try to help you, especially when you haven't asked for it.

*Going to great lengths to avoid asking people for help.

* Keeping all your problems a secret.

*When you ask for help, feeling embarrassed and extremely vulnerable.

* Viewing other people who ask for help as weak and overly needy.

Our jobs represent security to us; they provide our lives with structures and purpose. When they're gone, we can easily slip into feeling as though we have lost everything. Our equilibrium is upset and we lose our perspective on life. It's up to us to get it back. Even when we are not to blame for what happened to us, we are still responsible for how we let the event affect us. It's okay and necessary to feel the feelings that go with losing a job. At the same time, you need to look at the event in its proper context.

If you feel you have lost your perspective, here are some suggestions for getting it back:

*Stop thinking about what you've lost and focus on what you still have. Make a list of the things that are unchanged, for which you are grateful.

*Change the way you look at the event. Consider it a challenging experience that can teach you something new.

*Remind yourself that obstacles and hardships are just part of living and that your situation is temporary.

*Remember that others like you have struggled through hardships and emerged victorious.

*Make a list of things that can never be taken away from you. Compare their importance to what you have lost or may lose.

*Remind yourself that the game is not over until it is over, no matter how bad things may appear. Situations can change in the twinkling of an eye.

* Go for a long walk in the woods or a park. Notice how things are still the same there. Let the beauty of your surroundings soak in.

* Talk to people about the hardships they have experienced in their own lives. Ask them what brought them through the difficult time.

*Get your mind off yourself. Do something nice for someone less fortunate. Your problem will not disappear, but it won't have the some all-consuming importance.

You are the one who decides how much power a situation will have over you. You can choose to let it destroy you or make you stronger.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Poem by Friends

Leaving behind memories
Memories to be cherished

Taking away my hearts
Hearts to be honoured

My eyes might not shed
My smiles may not fade

It is in me I feel the load
My way back as I step on the road
Saying "good bye to skali..."
Parting has always been a melancholy

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Bulan Rejab : apakah fadilatnya melebihi dari bulan-bulan yg lain?

شهر رجب : هل هو يكون فضّل من الشّهر الآخر ؟

الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وبعد:

Bulan Rejab merupakan salah satu bulan dari 12 bulan-bulan Islam. Bulan Rejab mengandungi peristiwa-peristiwa bersejarah kepada orang Islam dimana berlakunya peperangan Tabuk, pembebasan Al-Aqsa dari tangan tentera Salib dan juga ada orang Islam yang berpendapat bahawa bulan inilah berlakunya peristiwa Isra' dan mi'raj Nabi Muhammad saw. Tidak kurang juga ramai yang melihat bulan Rejab ini sebagai satu bulan spiritual dimana mereka mempertingkatkan ibadat sunat khususnya ibadat puasa.

Tarikan dan seruan yg ditiup kedalam jiwa umat Islam Nusantara terutamanya untuk melakukan ibadat kebanyakkannya dipengaruhi oleh penyebaran beberapa hadis-hadis yg mengandungi Fadilat-Fadilat beribadat didalam bulan ini. Jelas terlihat dari segi jualan buku-buku kecil yg mengandungi fadilat-fadilat bulan Islam begitu laris dipasaran menjelang bulan Rejab. Begitu juga dizaman era Internet ini (ICT), e-mail dan maling list yg di forwardkan mengandungi 'cut & paste' dari fadilat-fadilat Rejab yg terkandung didalamnya. Rata-rata tarikan fad'il (fadilat-fadilat) inilah merupakan faktor penarik kepada kebiasaan orang awam untuk melakukan ibadat sunat. Injeksi faktor ini dapat kita lihat dengan jelas penerapannya didalam budaya Melayu-Islam seperti rangkap-rangkap sya'ir dibawah ini:[1]

Rejab bulan menabur benih
Sya'ban bulan menyiram tanaman
Ramadan bulan menuai

Rejab menyuci badannya
Sya'ban menyucikan hati
Ramadan menyucikan rohnya

Rejab bulan marghfirah
Sya'ban bulan syafaat
Ramadan bulan menggandakan kebajikan

Rejab bulan taubat
Sya'ban bulan muhibbah
Ramadan dilimpahi pahala amalan seperti hujan mencurah banyaknya

Rejab digandakan 70 pahala
Sya'ban diganda 700 pahala
Ramadan diganda 1000 pahala

Mungkin timbul beberapa persoalan yg tersimpan didalam lubuk hati kita: -mengapa bulan Rejab sahaja yg dipilih mempunyai kelebihannya? Pernah atau tidak kita terfikir yg mungkin berita-berita ini ditokok tambah (exaggerate) oleh manusia biasa yg bercakap atas nama Nabi saw? Mengapa didalam bulan ini terdapat solat-solat khas, zikir-zikir khas dan juga waktu-waktu khas untuk melakukan peribadatan? Disini kita ingin membawa beberapa penjelasan dari ulama'-ulama' muktabar dan kontemporari mengenai kesahihan fadilat yg terdapat didalam bulan itu sendiri, dan apakah sebenarnya fadilat yg terkandung didalam Rejab.


Bulan Rejab merupakan satu bulan dari bulan-bulan Haram

Bulan Rejab merupakan salah satu dari bulan-bulan 'Haram' didalam Islam. Dalilnya terdapat didalam Firmah Allah swt didalam Surah Al-Taubah ayat 9:

إِنَّ عِدَّةَ الشُّهُورِ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ اثْنَا عَشَرَ شَهْرًا فِي كِتَابِ اللَّهِ يَوْمَ خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ مِنْهَا أَرْبَعَةٌ حُرُمٌ ذَلِكَ الدِّينُ الْقَيِّمُ فَلَا تَظْلِمُوا فِيهِنَّ أَنْفُسَكُمْ وَقَاتِلُوا الْمُشْرِكِينَ كَافَّةً كَمَا يُقَاتِلُونَكُمْ كَافَّةً وَاعْلَمُوا أَنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَ الْمُتَّقِينَ

"Sesungguhnya bilangan bulan-bulan di sisi (hukum) Allah ialah dua belas bulan, (yang telah ditetapkan) dalam Kitab Allah semasa Dia menciptakan langit dan bumi, di antaranya empat bulan yang dihormati. Ketetapan yang demikian itu ialah agama yang betul lurus, maka janganlah kamu menganiaya diri kamu dalam bulan-bulan yang dihormati itu (dengan melanggar laranganNya) dan perangilah kaum kafir musyrik seluruhnya sebagaimana mereka memerangi kamu seluruhnya dan ketahuilah sesungguhnya Allah berserta orang-orang yang bertakwa."

Menurut Tafsir Jalalain, yg dimaksudkan dengan "diantaranya empat bulan yg di hormati" ialah:

أربعة حرم- محرمة ذو القعدة وذو الحجة والمحرم ورجب

"Empat bulan Haram - Zulkaedah, Zulhijjah, Muharam dan Rejab"[2]

Allah swt telah mengurniakan kepada manusia 4 bulan haram. Bulan-bulan ini sebagaimana yg disepakati oleh semua ulama' ialah Zulkaedah, Zulhijjah, Muharam dan Rejab. Umat Islam adalah diharamkan pergi berperang didalam bulan-bulan ini, kecualilah jika mereka diugut. Didalam bulan ini terdapatnya ibadat Haji dijalankan (Zulhijjah), dimana pada hari Arafah disunatkan bagi mereka yg tidak menunaikan haji melakukan ibadat puasa. Rasulullah saw juga menggalakan umat Islam melakukan puasa sunat pada hari Asyura' (10 hb Muharam).

Apakah terdapatnya kesahihan fadilat khas berpuasa didalam bulan Rejab?

Disini nyatakan pandangan para ulama' mengenai kesahihan fadilat Rejab.

1. Sheikh Atiyah Al-Saqr.

a. Kebanyakkan fadilat Rejab terkandung didalam Hadis yg sangat Lemah dan Palsu.

Bekas Ketua Lujnah Fatwa Al-Azhar mengatakan bahawa setiap fadilat sesuatu perkara itu harus dilihat dari segi nas yg sahih dan beliau melihat bahawa hadis-hadis yg didatangkan mengenai fadilat didalam bulan Rejab kebanyakkannya adalah lemah dan palsu, katanya:[3]

الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وبعد: فإن الله سبحانه وتعالى فضل بعض الشهور على بعض وفضل عض الأماكن على بعض، ولكن لا يثبت فضلٌ لزمان ولا لمكان إلا بدليل قطعي ولا بد من التثبت حتى لا يُكذب على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، وكثيرا من الأحاديث جاءت في فضل رجب ما بين ضعيف وموضوع فلا بد من التثبت في النقل عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم،

"Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala memberi fadilat kepada beberapa bulan dan tempat, tetapi tidak thabit untuk masa (zaman) dan untuk tempat melainkan dengan dalil yg qath'i (nyata) dan tidak thabit sehingga tidak mendusta keatas Nabi Muhammad saw, dan banyak hadis-hadis timbul mengenai fadilat bulan Rejab, dimana statusnya antara Dha'if dan Mawdhu', dan tidak thabit dari pembawanya (naqal)."

Menurut Al-Saqr lagi bahawa:

الحافظ أحمد بن علي بن محمد بن حجر العسقلاني وضع رسالة بعنوان: تبيِين العجب بما ورد في فضل رجب، جمع فيها جمهرة الأحاديث الواردة في فضائل شهر رجب وصِيامه والصلاة فيه. وقسَّمها إلى ضعيفة وموضوعة

"Al-Hafiz Ahmad bin Ali bin Mohammad bin Hajar Asqalaani meletakkan didalam risalahnya dengan topiknya : Penjelasan yg datang didalam Fadilat Rejab, pengumpulan jumhur Hadis menyebut mengenai Fadilat-Fadilat Rejab, Puasa dan Solat didalamnya. Ia dikelaskan sebagai Lemah dan Mawdhu"

b. Fadilat Rejab berada bersama dengan Fadilat bulan-bulan haram yg lain.

Fadilat Rejab secara umumnya berada didalam Fadilat bulan-bulan Haram sebagaimana Firman Allah didalam surah Taubah:36 dan terdapat juga Hadis Sahihin mengenai Hijatul Wada', didalamnya dinyatakan nama bulan bulan tersebut, iaitu : Zulkaedah, Zulhijjah dan Muharram, dan yg tunggal ialah Rejab. Dimasa itu orang Islam ditegah melakukan kezaliman, peperangan dan juga dilarang melakukan maksiat kepada Allah swt.

c. Berpuasa hari pertama atau yg lain sama sahaja fadilatnya.

Berkata Al-Saqr lagi bahawa:

فالعمل الصالح في شهر رجب كالأشهر الحُرم له ثوابُه العظيم، ومنه الصّيام، يستوي في ذلك أوّلُ يوم مع آخره، وقد قال ابن حجر: إن شهر رَجب لم يرِد حديث خاصٌّ بفضل الصِّيام فيه، لا صحيح ولا حسن

"Amalan Saleh didalam bulan Rejab adalah sebagaimana ganjarannya didalam bulan-bulan Haram, yg didalamnya terdapat puasa, SAMA sahaja [berpuasa] hari pertama atau pun hari akhir. Berkata Ibnu Hajar : 'Sesungguhnya bagi bulan Rejab tidak terdapatnya hadis mengenai fadilat khas berpuasa, tidak terdapat yg Sahih atau Hasan'. "

Beliau memetik beberapa hadis da'if dan palsu, diantaranya ialah:

إن في الجنة نهرًا يُقال له رجب، ماؤه أشدُّ بياضًا من اللَّبن وأحلَى من العسل، مَن صام يومًا من رجب سَقاه اللهُ من ذلك النّهر

"Sesungguhnya didalam syurga ada sebuah sungai yg dipanggil Rejab, warna airnya sangat putih dari susu, manisnya lebih manis dari madu, barangsiapa yg berpuasa sati hari dari bulan Rejab, maka Allah akan memberi ia minum dari sungai itu" - hadis ini Dha'if.

مَن صام من رجب يومًا كان كصيام شهرٍ، ومن صام منه سبعةَ أيّام غُلِّقت عنه أبواب الجَحيم السبعةُ ومن صام منه ثمانيةَ أيام فُتِّحتْ أبوابُ الجنّةِ الثمانيةُ، ومن صام منه عشرة أيام بُدِّلت سيِّئاته حسناتٍ

"Barangsiapa berpuasa sehari didalam bulan Rejab seolah-olah dia berpuasa satu bulan, dan siapa yg berpuasa didalamnya 7 hari maka akan ditutup 7 pintu-pintu neraka, dan barangsiapa yg berpuasa 8 hari maka 8 pintu-pintu syurga akan terbuka, dan barangsiapa yg berpuasa 10 hari, maka akan digantikan dosa dengan kebaikan" - hadis ini Dha;if.

iii. Terdapat sebuah hadis yg panjang mengandungi fadilat berpuasa rejab menurut hari, dan didalamnya terkandung matan :

رجب شهر الله وشعبان شهري ورمضان شهر أمّتي

:"Rejab bulan Allah. Sya'ban bulanku dan Ramadhan bulan umatku" - Hadis ini palsu.

d. Tidak ada solat khas didalam Rejab.

Daripada Hadis yg tidak diterima (ghair maqbulah) mengenai solat :

مَن صلَّي المغربَ في أوّل ليلة من رجب ثم صلّى بعدها عشرين ركعة، يقرأ في كل ركعة بفاتحة الكتاب، وقل هو الله أحد مرّةً ويسلِّم فيهن عَشْرَ تسليماتٍ حفِظه الله في نفسه وأهله وماله وولدِه، وأُجِيرَ من عَذاب القَبر، وجاز على الصِّراط كالبرق بغير حساب ولا عَذاب

"Barangsiapa yg solat Magrib di awal malam dari bulan Rejab, kemudian diikuti oleh solat 20 rakaat selepasnya, dia membaca pada setiap rakaat Al-Fatihah dan Qulhu Allahu Ahad sekali dan dia memberi salam kepadanya 10 kali salam, Allah akan menjaga dirinya, keluarganya, hartanya dan anaknya, dan akan diselamatkan dari azab kubur, dan perjalanan di sirat bagaikan boraq, tanpa hisab dan azab." - Itu adalah hadis Mawdhu'

e. Menziarah kubur pada bulan Rejab tiada nasnya:

Mengenai fadilat menziarah kubur pada bulan Rejab, Sheikh Atiyah Al-Saqr mengatakan bahawa perbuatan ini tidak ada dalilnya didalam Islam. Beliau menyarankan agar lebih elok melihat mengenai sejarah-sejarah yg berlaku dibulan Rejab dan mengambil tauladan daripadanya.

هذا ، وحِرْص الناس ـ والنِّساء بوجه خاصِّ ـ على زيارة القبور في أول جمعة من شهر رجب ليس له أصل من الدين، ولا ثوابَ لها أكثر من ثواب الزيارة في غير هذا اليوم. والأولى في شهر رجب أن نتذكّر الأحداث التاريخيّة التي وقعت فيه مثل غزوة تبوك لنأخذ منها العِبرة، ونتذكر تخليص صلاح الدين الأيوبي للقُدس من أيدي الصليبيين (في رجب 583هـ ـ 1187م) ليتوحَّد العربُ والمسلمون لتطهير المَسجِد الأقصى من رأس الغاصبين. كما نتذكّر حادِثَ الإسراء والمِعراج ونستفيدَ منه، على ما ارتضاه المسلمون في كونِه حدث في شهر رجب. والله أعلم

"Ini adalah manusia yg prihatin, dan wanita dari kumpulan tertentu, mereka menziarahi kubur pada hari Jumaat pertama didalam bulan Rejab, tidaklah ada asalnya didalam agama, dan ganjaran yg besar daripada ziarah tersebut, dan bukanlah hari ini. Adalah lebih aula didalam bulan Rejab ini kita mengingati kembali sejarah yg berlaku kepadanya seperti penaklukan Tabuk, mngingati Salahuddin Al-Ayobi menyelamatkan Jerusalem (Al-Qudus) dari tangan tentera Salib (Rejab 583H, 1187M). Orang Arab dan Islam menyucikan Masjid Al-Aqsa dari Ketua Pasukan Pakatan. Kita mengingatkan kembali peristiwa Isra' dan Mi'raj iaitu pengajaran darinya, dimana orang Islam menganggapnya berlaku didalam bulan Rejab. Allah yg Maha Mengetahui."

2] Sheikh Dr Yusuf Al-Qardhawi

a. Fadilat Rejab sama dengan fadilat bulan-bulan haram yg lain

Dr. Yusuf Al-Qardhawi mengatakan bahawa fadilat Rejab adalah sama seperti yg terdapat didalam 3 bulan-bulan Haram yg lain. Katanya [4]:

إلا أنه من الأشهر الحرم، التي ذكرها الله في كتابه (منها أربعة حرم ) (التوبة: 36) وهي :رجب وذو القعدة وذو الحجة والمحرم.. وهي أشهر مفضلة. ولم يرد حديث صحيح يخص رجب بالفضل، إلا حديث حسن: إن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يصوم أكثر ما يصوم في شعبان

"tidaklah ada kesahihan didalam bulan Rejab, melainkan ia merupakan salah satu dari bulan-bulan haram, bahawa Allah swt telah menyebut didalam kitabnya - didalamnya ada 4 bulan haram - Al-Taubah:36. Iaitu Rejab, Zulqaedah, Zulhijah dan Muharram....Itulah bulan-bulan yg mempunyai fadilat. Tidak terdapat Hadis Sahih bahawa Rejab khusus mengatakan Rejab lebih afdal, melainkan Hadis Hasan: Sesungguhnya Nabi saw banyak berpuasa didalam Sya'ban.."

b. Hadis-Hadis mengenai fadilat Rejab kebanyakkannya lemah dan palsu.

Beliau juga menyatakan bahawa hadis-hadis mengenai fadilat-fadilat khas Rejab kebanyakkan merupakan Hadis Palsu atau pun yg sangat Lemah tarafnya:

فهذا الحديث يفهم منه أن رجب له فضل أما حديث " رجب شهر الله، وشعبان شهري ورمضان شهر أمتي " فهو حديث منكر وضعيف جدًا بل قال كثير من العلماء إنه موضوع ... يعني أنه مكذوب، فليس له قيمة من الناحية العلمية ولا من الناحية الدينية. وكذلك الأحاديث الأخرى التي رويت في فضيلة شهر رجب بأن من صلى كذا فله كذا ومن استغفر مرة فله من الأجر كذا .. هذه كلها مبالغات، وكلها مكذوبة. ومن علامات كذب هذه الأحاديث ما تشتمل عليه من المبالغات والتهويلات ..

"Hadis ini dimaklumkan sebagai sebuah hadis yg mengandungi fadilat Rejab - "Rejab bulan Allah. Sya'ban bulanku dan Ramadhan bulan umatku"..... Hadis in mungkar dan sangat-sangat Dhaif, bahkan beberapa ulama' mengatakan hadis ini Palsu! .... yakni penipu..Maka bukanlah kepadanya nilai saintifik dan bukanlah mempunyai nilai agama. Disitu ada hadis yg mengatakan terdapat Fadilat Rejab kepada sesiapa yg bersolat begini dan ia mendapat begini, dan sesiapa yg meminta beristigfar sekali kepadanya maka ia akan mendapat ganjaran begini.... Ini semua adalah berlebih-lebihan (exaggeration), dan semuanya adalah pembohongan. Dari ini satu tanda satu penipuan didalam Hadis yg memasukkan perkara yg berlebih-lebihan...."

c. Ganjaran yg dijanjikan tidak sepadan dengan amalannya.

Pada beliau ganjaran-ganjaran yg dinyatakan didalam Hadis Palsu itu adalah sesuatu yg berlebih-lebihan. Ini merupakan satu pendustaan yg amat besar. Menurut beliau ganjaran sesuatu ibadat itu mestilah setimpal dengan bentuk ibadat itu sendiri. Katanya :

وقد قال العلماء: إن الوعد بالثواب العظيم على أمر تافه، أو الوعيد بالعذاب الشديد على ذنب صغير، يدل على أن الحديث مكذوب

"Berkata ulama' : Janji untuk mendapatkan ganjaran yg besar diatas perkara yg biasa, atau ugutan kepada azab yg pedih keatas dosa kecil? Ia menunjukkan bahawa ini merupakan Hadis yg bohong."

d. Umat Islam perlu mengetahui jenis-jenis hadis yg Palsu

Dr Yusuf Qardhawi menyatakan bahawa sebagai seorang Islam kita wajib mengetahui mengenai hadis yg diberikan kepada kita. Tidak ada alasan yg boleh kita berikan kerana terdapatnya buku-buku yg banyak dipasaran mengenai taraf sesuatu hadis. Kata beliau :

وعلى العلماء أن ينبهوا على مثل هذه الأحاديث الموضوعة والمكذوبة ويحذروا الناس منها .. فقد جاء انه " من حدث بحديث يرى أنه كذب فهو أحد الكاذبين .. " (رواه مسلم في مقدمة الصحيح) ولكن قد لا يعلم أن ما يرويه من الأحاديث الموضوعة، فهذا يجب أن يعلم، ويعرف الأحاديث من مصادرها .. فهناك كتب الحديث المعتمدة، وهناك كتب خاصة في الإعلام بالأحاديث الضعيفة والموضوعة مثل " المقاصد الحسنة " للسخاوي، "

"Ulama' telah memberi amaran contohnya keatas Hadis Palsu dan Bohong ini, dan melarang manusia terhadapnya...sesungguhnya telah datang hadis :"Barangsiapa mereka-reka Hadis difikirkan, sesungguhnya ia menipu, maka dia adalah pembohong....."(Riwayat Muslim didalam muqadimahnya yg Sahih), tetapi mereka tidak mengetahui bahawa ia adalah Hadis Palsu, maka ia wajib mengetahui, mengetahui hadis itu dari sumbernya .... maka disana ada Kitab Hadis yg Muktamad, di sana ada kitab khas untuk mengetahui Hadis Palsu, contoh Al-Maqasid Al-Hasanah, karangan Al-Shakhaawi dsb.........."

3. Ibnu Hajar Al-Asqalani

Ibnu Hajar mengatakan adalah menjadi satu kesalahan menetapkan sesuatu hari atau bulan itu khas untuk melakukan amalan. Kenyataan ini dapat di lihat didalam fatwa Shiekh Al-Saqr[5] mengenai fadilat Rejab dengan memetik kata-kata Ibnu Hajar:

وقد عقد ابن حجر في هذه الرسالة فصلًا ذكر فيه أحاديث تتضمّن النَّهيَ عن صوم رجب كلِّه، ثم قال: هذا النّهي مُنصرِف إلى من يصومُه مُعَظِّمًا لأمر الجاهليّة، أما إنْ صامه لقصد الصوم في الجملة من غير أن يجعله حتْمًا أو يخُصُّ منه أيّامًا معيّنة يواظِب على صومِها، أو لياليَ معيَّنةً يواظِب على قيامِها، بحيث يَظُنُّ أنها سُنَّة، فهذا من فعله مع السّلامة ممّا استثنى فلا بأسَ به. فإن خصّ ذلك أو جعله حتمًا فهذا محظور، وهو في المنع بمعنى قولِه ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ "لا تخصُّوا يومَ الجُمعة بصِيام ولا ليلتَها بقِيام" رواه مسلم . وإن صامَه معتقِدًا أنّ صيامه أو صيام شيء منه أفضل من صيام غيره ففي هذا نظر، ومال ابن حجر إلى المَنع، ونقل عن أبي بكر الطرطوشي في كتاب "البِدع والحوادث" أن صوم رجب يُكْره على ثلاثة أوجه: أحدُها: أنّه إذا خصّه المسلمون بالصّوم في كل عامٍ حسب العوام، إمّا أنه فَرْض كشهر رمضان، وإما سُنّة ثابتة كالسنن الثابتة، وإما لأن الصّوم فيه مخصوص بفضل ثواب على صيام باقي الشُّهور، ولو كان من هذا شيء لبيَّنه النبيُّ ـ صلَّى الله عليه وسلم ـ قال ابن دحية: الصِّيام عَمَلُ بِرٍّ، لا لفضل صوم شهر رجب فقد كان عمرُ ينهَى عنه. انتهى ما نُقل عن ابن حجر

"Ibnu Hajar didalam makalahnya ada menyebut berkenaan dengan terdapat hadis-hadis yg melarang berpuasa Rejab sepenuhnya, maka beliau berkata : Larangan ini terpulanglah kepada sesiapa yg berpuasa memuliakan Jahiliyyah, sebagaimana jika dia berpuasa dengan qasad(niat) yg bukan menjadikan penekanan atau mengkhususkan mengenai hari-hari yg dia berpuasa, atau pada malan tertentu dia berqiamullail, maka beliau percaya yg dilakukan itu adalah sunnah, maka ini adalah pekerjaan yg baik atas apa yg diletakkan dan tidak mengapa baginya. Maka jika ianya di khaskan atau menjadi suatu ketetapan, maka ia adalah DITEGAH (Mahzhur), dan makna penegahan itu dialam hadis Nabi saw bersabda :"Jangan mengkhaskan hari Jumaat untuk berpuasa dan jangan [mengkhaskan] malamnya berqiamullail". - riwayat Muslim. Jika mempercayai puasanya atau puasa ini lebih baik dari puasa lainya yg didalamnya terkandung puasa nazar, Ibnu hajar lebih cederung menegahnya, dan sebagaimana yg dinaqalkan oleh Abi Bakar Al-Thorthorshi didalam bukunya "Bid'ah wa hawadith" bahawa bulan Rejab dibenci olehnya kerana 3 jenis:
1. Sesungguhnya jika orang Islam mengkhaskan puasa di setiap hari kemuliaan awam secara tahunan.
2. Menjadikan ia seperti kefarduan ramadhan, atau menjadikan ia sunat sebagai sunat yg kekal.
3. Kerana puasa ini mempunyai fadilat khas dan puasa-puasa yg lainnya
kalau dengan itu apa yg dijelaskan oleh Rasulullah saw, : berkata Ibnu Dihya : "Puasa adalah amalan kebajikan"., Tidak terdapat fadilat berpuasa didalam Rejab maka perkara itu ditegah darinya. Tamat apa yg dinaqalkan oleh Ibnu Hajar."

4] Dr. Sayid Saabiq

Menurut seorang tokoh Ikhwan Dr Sayid Saabiq didalam membicarakan bab puasa sunat, mengatakan bahawa :

وصيا رجب، ليس له فضل زائد على غيره من الشهور، إلا أنه من الأشهر الحرم.

"Puasa Rejab, bukanlah ada padanya fadilat yg berlebih dari bulan-bulan lain, melainkan sesungguhnya ia dari bulan-bulan yg haram".

Ini bermaksud bahawa bulan-bulan haram ini mempunyai fadilat-fadilat yg sama. Pendapat juga di sokong oleh mazhab Hanbali yg mengatakan menetapkan bulan Rejab sahaja untuk berpuasa sunat adalah makruh[6].

Hadis-hadis fadilat Rejab yg palsu atau dhaif

Dibawah ini disenaraikan beberapa contoh hadis-hadis palsu berkenaan dengan fadilat Rejab:[7]

a. Barang siapa yg mengerjakan solat Magrib pada permulaan malam Rejab kemudian dia mengerjakan 20 rakaat dengan membaca surah Al-Fatihah dan Qul Hu Allahhu Ahad pada tiap-tiap rakaat satu kali dan dia memberi salampada solat ini dengan 10 salam, maka tahukah kamu apa ganjaranya?

-Hadis ini Mawdhu' (palsu)
*Diriwayatkan oleh Al-Jauzaqanniy dari Anas, kemudian beliau berkata hadis ini adalah Palsu.

b. Barang siapa yg melakukan solat pada malam Nisfi Rejab 14 rakaat dengan membaca Alhamdu 1 kali pada rakaat, Qul Hu Allahhu Ahad 20 kali, Qul A'uuzu Birabbil Falaq 3 kali, Qul A'uuzu Birabbin Nas 3 kali kemudian apabila dia selesai bersolat hendaklah ia berselawat keatas ku 10 kali kemudian dia bertasbih, bertahmid dan bertahlil 30 kali, maka Allah akan mengutuskan kepadanya 1000 malaikat.

-Hadis ini Mawdhu' (palsu)
*Dalam sanadnya terdapat beberapi Rawi yang majhul.

c. Barang siapa yg berpuasa sehari pada bulan Rejab (ganjarannya) sama dengan puasa sebulan.

-Hadis sangat Dhaif.

*Diriwayatkan oleh Al-Khathiib dari Abi Dzar.
*Dalam sanadnya ada rawi yg bernama: Al-Furaat bin As-Saaib, dia adalah seorang rawi yg Matruk.
*Ibnu Hajar Al-Asqalaaniy telah menjelaskan bahawa para ahli hadis telah sepakat, bahawa hadis ini diriwayatkan dari jalan Al-Furaat bin As-Saaib, sedangkan rawi ini adalah seorang yg Dhaif.

d. Barang siapa yg berpuasa 3 hari pada bulan Rejab, dituliskan baginya ganjaran puasa satu bulan dan barang siapa yg berpuasa 7 hari pada bulan Rejab maka Allah tutupkan daripadanya 7 pintu-pintu api neraka. Dan barangsiapa yg berpuasa 8 hari pada bulan Rejab maka Allah membuka baginya 8 buah pintu dari pintu-pintu syurga, dan barang siapa yg berpuasa separuh dari bulan Rejab maka dia akan di hisab dengan hisab yg mudah.

-Hadis ini Mawdhu' (palsu)
*Tidak disahkan hadis ini kerana rawi yg bernama Abaan merupakan rawi yg Matruk.
*Selain dari itu ada rawi yg bernama Amar bin Al-Azhar yg sangat suka memalsukan hadis.

e. Barang siapa yg berpuasa satu hari pada bulan Rejab dan bangun pada malam harinya mengerjakan solat malam maka Allah akan membangkitkan dia pada hari Kiamat dalam keadaan aman, dan dia berjalan di atas sirat dalam keadaan Tahlil dan Takbir.

-Hadis ini Mawdhu' (palsu)
*Dalam sanadnya ada rawi yg bernama Ismaail, dia adalah seorang rawi yg suka berdusta.

f. Barang siapa yg menghidupkan satu malam dari bulan Rejab mengerjakan solat malam dan berpuasa padanya satu hari, maka Allah memberi makan kepadanya dari buah-buahan Syurga.

-Hadis ini Mawdhu' (palsu)
*Dalam Kitab Al-Laaly dijelaskan bahawa hadis ini diriwayatkan oleh Hussain bin Ali. Kemudian diterangkan bahawa hadis ini Mawdhu'.

Bagaimana beramal didalam bulan ini?

a. Shiekh Mahmud Al-Sya'rawi[8] didalam menjawab satu pertanyaan mengenai apakan bulan dari bulan-bulan 'am yg afdal manusia berpuasa selepas bulan Ramadan, beliau memetik hadis berikut diriwayatkan oleh Musnad Ahmad :

سأل رجل رسول الله (ص) فقال: أى شهر تأمرنى أن أصوم بعد رمضان؟ فقال : إن كنت صائما بعد رمضان فصم الحرم ، فإنه شهر فيه تاب الله على قوم، ويتوب فيه على قوم آخرين

"Seorang lelaki telah bertanya Rasulullah saw, katanya : Bulan mana kamu perintahkanku berpuasa selepas Ramadan? Maka Rasulullah saw berkata : Jika aku berpuasa selepas Ramadan, maka berpuasalah dibulan Haram, maka sesungguhnya didalamnya dari Taubat Allah swt keatas satu kaum, dan terdapat taubat didalamnya untuk satu kaum yg lain"

Jelas disini menunjukkan bulan-bulan haram ini disunatkan berpuasa dan juga terdapatnya keampunan Allah swt didalam bulan-bulan ini.

b. Bekas Mufti besar Arab Saudi, Shiekh Abdul Aziz Bin Baaz apabila ditanya berpuasa pada bulan-bulan haram, Beliau menjawab [9]:

شهر محرم مشرع صيامه وشعبان كذلك وأما عشر ذي الحجة، فليس هناك دليل عليه، لكن لو صامها دون اعتقاد أنها خاصة أو أن لها خصوصية معينة، فلا بأس.
أما شهر الله المحرم فقد قال الرسول (ص) : أفضل الصيام بعد رمضان شهر الله الحرم - فإذا صامه فهو طيب، أو صام التاسع والعاشر والحادي عشر فذلك طيب، وهكذا شعبان فقد كان يصومه (ص)

"Bulan Muharam dari segi syara' dibolehkan berpuasa dengannya dan begitu juga Sya'ban, disana terdapatnya 10 Zulhijjah, bukanlah ada dalil disan keatasnya, akan tetapi berpuasa dengannya TANPA ber'itiqad yg khusus (khas) atau pribadi, maka tidaklah menjadi masalah."

Bagi bulan Allah Al-Haram tersebut, Rasulullah saw pernah bersabda : ((Seafdal-adfal berpuasa selepas ramadan ialah dibulan Allah Al-Haram)). Maka adalah baik bagi berpuasa, atau berpuasalah pada 9, 10 dan 11, itulah yg baik, begitu juga dengan Sya'ban dimana Nabi saw berpuasa dengannya"

c. Seorang Ulama' Islam dari negara Syria yg terkenal pada masa kini, Dr Wahbah Zuhaily mengatakan bahawa, kebanyakkan iman empat mazhab (Syafiie, Hanbali, Maliki dan Hanafi) bersetuju mengenai terdapatnya amalan berpuasa sunat didalam bulan-bulan haram ini, cuma ia berbeza pendapat mengenai cara implementasinya. kata Dr Wahbah Zuhaily[10] :

واستحباب صوم هذه الأشهر هو عند المالكية ولشافعية، واكتفى الحنابلة باستحباب صوم الحرم، فهو عندهم أفضل الصيام بعد صيام شهر رمضان، لقوله صلى الله عليه وسلم : أفضل الصلاة بعد المكتوبه جوف الليل، وأفضل الصيام بعد رمضان شهر الله الحرم - وأفضل الحرم يوم عاشوراء، كما بينا. وقال الحنفية : المندب في الأشهر الحرم أن يصوم ثلاثة أيام من كل منها، وهي الخمس، والجمعة، والسبت.

"Keutamaan berpuasa pada bulan-bulan ini terdapat disisi Mazhab Maliki dan Syafiie, dan mazhab Hanbali berpuas hati dengan keputusan sendirinya memberi keutamaan berpuasa dibulan Haram, pada mereka itulah puasa yg afdal selepas Ramadan, telah bersabda Rasulullah saw : ((Seafdal solat ialah pertengahan malam, dan seafdal puasa selepas bulan Ramadan ialah di bulan Allah Al-Haram)). Seadal puada dibulan haram ialah Hari Al-Asyura', sebagaimana diantaranya. Dan berkata mazhab Hanafiah : Sunat berpuasa didalam bulan-bulan Haram, iaitu berpuasa 3 hari dari semuanya iaitu :- Hari Khamis, Jumaat dan Sabtu."

d. Shiekh Abdul Rahman Al-Jaziry didalam buku Kitab Fikh Empat Mazhab[11] juga memetik persetujuan 4 mazhab ini mengenai puasa dibulan-bulan haram, kata nya:

يندب صوم شهر رجب وشعبان ، باتفاق من الأئمة، والخالف الحنابلة.... ..
الحنابلة : إفراد رجب بالصوم مكروه، إلا إذا أفطر في أثنائه، فلا يكره.

"Mengenai sunat berpuasa dibulan Rejab dan Sya'ban, Imam-imam ini telah bersetuju dengannya, cuma terdapat khilaf dengan hanbali.........
Hanbali : Menetapkan puasa Rejab (secara tunggal) adalah makruh, melainkan jika ia berbuka (tidak berpuasa) secara selang-seli, maka tidaklah Makruh."

e. Panelist fatwa IslamOnline, Shiekh Dr Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, ketika diminta memberi fatwa mengenai apakah berpuasa didalam bulan Rejab itu sunat atau bid'ah, beliau telah menjawab [12]:

والصيام في الأشهر الحرم مقبول ومستحب، على كل حال. ولكن لم يرد عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه صام شهرًا كله، سوى رمضان . وكان أكثر ما يصوم في شهر شعبان، ولكن لم يكن يصومه كله، وهذه هي السنة النبوية في ذلك ... فإنه كان يصوم ويفطر في سائر الشهور، وكما ورد " كان يصوم حتى نقول لا يفطر، ويفطر حتى نقول لا يصوم " (رواه البخاري ومسلم وأبو داوود) فما يفعله بعض الناس من صيام رجب كله، كما كنا نرى ذلك في الأرياف من قبل، فقد رأيت بعض الناس يصوم رجب وشعبان ورمضان والأيام الستة من شوال، ويسمونها " الأيام البيض " وبعد ذلك يفطر، ويكون عيده في اليوم الثامن من شوال.. وتكون حصيلة صيامه هذه الشهور الثلاثة والأيام الستة متواصلة، لا يفطر إلا يوم العيد . وهذا لم يرد عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ولا عن الصحابة ولا عن السلف الصالح . فالأولى صيام أيام وإفطار أيام، لا التتابع في الصيام. وكل خير في اتباع من سلف وكل شر في ابتداع من خلف. فمن أراد الاتباع، وأراد الثواب الكامل، فليتبع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ولا يصم رجب كله ولا شعبان كله . فهذا هو الأولى . وبالله التوفيق

"Berpuasa didalam bulan adalah maqbul dan mustahab, keatas semua perkara. Tetapi bukanlah datang dari Rasulullah saw bahawa beliau berpuasa satu bulan penuh, melainkan bulan Ramadhan. Beliau banyak berpuasa didalam bulan Sya'ban, tetapi tidak berpuasa sepenuhnya, dan itulah sunnah nabawiyyah ... Beliau berpuasa dan berbuka disetiap bulan, seperti riwayat mengatakan : ((Beliau berpuasa sehingga kami mengatakan beliau tidak berbuka, Beliau berbuka sehingga kami mengatakan beliau tidak berpuasa)) (Riwayat Bukhari, Muslim dan Abu Daud). Maka beberapa golongan manusia berpuasa seluruh bulan Rejab, sebagaimana yg kita lihat sebelum ini, Aku telah lihat beberapa orang berpuasa bulan Rejab, Sya'ban, Ramadhan dan 6 hari didalam bulan Syawal, dan menamakannya "Al-Ayam Al-Baidh", selepas berbuka, mereka akan menjadi perayaan pada hari yg ke 8 dari Syawal....Hasil dari puasa ini ialah 3 bulan dan 6 hari saling berhubungan, mereka hanya akan berbuka apabila tiba Hari A'id. INI TIDAK DATANG DARI NABI SAW, atau pun dari para sahabat atau pun dari Al-Salaf Al-Saleh.. maka mereka berpuasa sehari dan berbuka sehari. Tidak ada berterusan didalam puasa. Semua kebaikan adalah menurut Salaf dan keburukan adalah dari rekaan para Khalaf. Barangsiapa yg ingin ber'iitiba' dan inginkan ganjaran, maka ia harus mengikur Nabi saw dimana tidak berpuasa sepenuhnya didalam Rejab, dan tidak berpuasa sepenuhnya didalam Sya'ban. Dan ini adalah yg lebih utama. Wa Billahi Tawfiq."

Beliau tegas mengatakan bahawasanya disunatkan berpuasa pada bulan-bulan haram, tetapi tidak lah sepenuh bulan Rejab dan Sya'ban, kerana ini tidak dilakukan oleh Rasulullah saw, atau sahabat-sahabatnya ataupun para ulama' Salaf.

Puasa-Puasa sunat yg lain

Syeikh Muhammad Mutawali Al-Sya'rawi didalam fatwanya[13] menjawab persoalan mengenai puasa-puasa sunat, beliau telah menyenaraikan 8 jenis puasa yg beliau sifat sebagai :"Puasa yg orang Islam lakukan bagi mendekatkan diri kepada Allah"(هو الصيام الذى يؤدينه المسلم تقربا الله مستحبافى ).

Puasa-puasa sunat (suka rela - صيام التطوع ):

1. يوم عرفة لغير الحاج.
2. يوم عاشوراء وكذلك يوم التاسع أى يومى 9، 10 محرم.
3. ستة أيام من شوال.
4. الأيم البيض من كل شهر عربى (13, 14, 15 ).
5. يومى الأثنين والخميس من كل أسبوع.
6. الصوم من الأشهر الحرم : وهى ذو القعدة وذو الحجة والمحرّم ،ورجب.
7. صوم تسع من ذى الحجة أى من اليوم الأول إلى التاسع
من ذى الحجة.
8. صوم شعبان كله أو أكثره.

"1. Hari Arafah (9 Zulhijjah kepada mereka yg tidak menunaikan Haji.
2. Hari Asyura', disitu ada hari 9 atau mana-mana hari 9 atau 10 Muharam.
3. 6 hari didalam bulan Syawal.
4. Hari-hari Putih didalam bulan-bulan Arab (islam) iaitu :- hari13,14 dan 15.
5. Berpuasa pada hari Isnin dan Khamis didalam setiap minggu.
6. Berpuasa didalam bulan-bulan haram iaitu :- Zulkaedah, Zulhijjah, Muharam dan Rejab.
7. Berpuasa mana-mana dari 9 hari dari bulan Zulhijjah, dari 1 hingga 9 Zulhijjah.
8. Berpuasa penuh didalam Sya'ban atau dengan banyaknya. "

Para Fuqaha' berpendapat jika seseorang itu ingin melakukan puasa sunat, tetapi dia masih mempunyai baki puasa wajib, hendaklah ia mengqada'kannya. Bahkan jika ia mempunyai kifarat dan nazar, maka hendaklah dia melakukannya puasa itu dahulu.[14]



1. Hadis-Hadis Bulan-Bulan Rejab kebanyakkannya adalah Mawdhu (Palsu). Pendustaan terhadap Rasulullah saw. (Al-Saqr)
2. Kita dilarang memilih-milih hari atau malam yg tertentu sahaja untuk melakukan ibadat khusus.(Hadis Nabi saw)
3. Tidak ada fadilat KHAS yg ditujukan pada bulan Rejab, yg ada cuma fadilat umum kepada keempat-empat bulan-bulan haram.(Al-Saqr, Al-Qardawi)
4. Tiada ada solat dan zikir khas untuk bulan Rejab (Al-Saqr, Al-Qaradawi).
5. Bulan Rejab seperti bulan-bulan Haram yg lain disunatkan melakukan Puasa dan bertaubat. (Al-Sya'rawi)
6. Keadah berpuasa didalam bulan-bulan haram ialah:
- hari yg ke 9,10,11 didalam bulan Muharam (Bin Bazz)
- berpuasa hari Khamis, Jumaat, Sabtu (Hanafiah - Al-Zuhaily)
- Berpuasa pada bulan Rejab tidak sepenuhnya dan Sya'ban tidak sepenuh bulan (Al-Qardhawi)
- berpuasa pada hari Assyura' (10 Muharam) dan Hari Arafah (9 Zulhijjah).
7. Rejab tidak mempunyai kelebihan dari bulan-bulan yg lain, kecuali kelebihan bulan-bulan Haram.(Syed Sabiq)
8. Tidak boleh HANYA berpuasa dibulan Rejab sahaja, dimana 3 bulan-bulan yg Haram yg lain tidak langsung diberi keutamaan melakukan puasa (MazhabHanbali- Al-Jaziry)
9. Tidak ada dalil yg mengatakan bahawa menziarah kubur didalam bulan Rejab mempunyai kelebihannya.
10. AWASIlah dari terlibat menyebarkan HADIS-HADIS PALSU, kerana ditakuti kita adalah sebahagian dari mereka yg MENDUSTAKAN Rasulullah saw. (Na'uzubillahhu min zalik).

Dalam mempertingkat amalan-amalan kita kepada Allah swt, sering kali kita disajikan dengan pelbagai-bagai amalan yg kelihatan banyak fadilatnya. Malah ada juga kedapatan beberapa fadilat-fadilat yg sangat rapuh dalilnya, bahkan ia menjadi pegangan sebahagian umat Islam pada hari ini. Bagi persoalan-persoalan seperti fadilat Rejab atau bulan-bulan yg lain, kita mesti kembali kepada 'role model' atau contoh kita, iaitu Rasulullah saw sebagaimana firman Allah swt didalam surah Al-Ahzab ayat 21:

لَقَدْ كَانَ لَكُمْ فِي رَسُولِ اللَّهِ أُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ لِمَنْ كَانَ يَرْجُو اللَّهَ وَالْيَوْمَ الْآخِرَ وَذَكَرَ اللَّهَ كَثِيرًا

"Demi sesungguhnya, adalah bagi kamu pada diri Rasulullah itu contoh ikutan yang baik, iaitu bagi orang yang sentiasa mengharapkan (keredaan) Allah dan (balasan baik) hari akhirat, serta dia pula menyebut dan mengingati Allah banyak-banyak (dalam masa susah dan senang)" [Al-Ahzab - 21].

Akhir kata, Selamat menyambut kedatangan bulan-bulan Haram sebagaimana yg telah diajarkan oleh Rasulullah saw.

وبالله التوفيق
kamin - 2hb Rejab 1422H


Rujukan :

1] Budiman Radzi. Fazilat bulan Rejab, Sya'ban dan Ramadzan. Alor Setar : Muzakkir Enterprise, 1990.

2] Tafsir Jalalain. URL :

3] Sheikh Atiyah Al-Saqr. Fatwa IslamOnline - Fadilat Rejab. URL :

4] Shiekh Dr. Yusuf Al-Qardhawi. Fatwa IslamOnline - kesahihan fadilat Rejab. URL :

5] Sheikh Atiyah Al-Saqr. Fatwa IslamOnline - Fadilat Rejab. URL :

6] Sayyid Sabiq. Fikh Al-Sunnah. Beirut : Al-Fath Lil'alam Al-Arabi, 1995 (cetakan khas dari manar Al-Dauliyah). ms 596.:

7] Prof. Madya Dr. Farid Ahmad Mohd Isa Jalil. Himpunan hadis-hadis lemah & palsu. Kuala Lumpur : Syarikat Nurulhas.

8]. Shiekh Mohammad Mutawali Al-Sya'rawi. Al-Fatawa. Dar Al-Fath Lil-A'lam Al-Arabi, 2000. ms. 371.

9] Syiekh Abdul Aziz bin Baaz. Majmu' Fatawa. Riyad : Dar Al-Watan, 1996 ms. 269.

10] Dr Wahbah Zuhaily. Fikh Al-Islami Wa adillatuhu. Damsyik : Dar Al-Fikr, 1989. ms 591.

11] Abdul Rahman Al-Jaziry. Kitaabu Al-Fikhu a'la al-Mazaahibi Al-Arba'ah. Dar Al-Manar, 1999. ms 447-448

12] Shiekh Dr Yusuf Al-Qardhawi. Fatwa IslamOnline - Puasa Rejab. URL :

13] Sheikh Mohammad Mutawali Al-Sya'rawi. Al-Fatawa. Dar Al-Fath Lil-A'lam Al-Arabi, 2000. ms 415

14] Dr Wahbah Zuhaily. Fikh Al-Islami Wa adillatuhu.Damsyik : Dar Al-Fikr, 1989. ms 595.

جميع حقوق النشر محفوظة © شبكة أخبار الأحكام،2002


Monday, August 01, 2005

Wanna to Create Article Review

A review is a thoughtful account of (in this case) a piece of writing, either a book or an article. Like other forms of academic writing, a review has certain conventions, that is, a reader will expect certain things of them. The point of a review is to describe the book/article's content and argument(s) and to present some kind of discussion about the presentation and its effectiveness, supported with some quotations from the book that illustrate the points you're making. A person who has not read the book should be able to decide, from what you have written, whether or not to read the book.

Book or article reviews are generally fairly short (usually not more than about six pages) unless you're writing about more than one work in the same review (a review article). Check your assignment information. Whether you're writing a short- (say less than 1000 words or under 4 double-spaced pages) or medium-length review (1000-1500 words or 4-6 double-spaced pages, you should include the following:

1. Bibliographical information about the book, including author(s), title, publishing information, date, ISBN (always appears at the top of your review)
2. General summary of content (what is this book/article about)
3. Discussion of Author's Main Point (why did the author write the book/article; what's the point(s) being made?)
4. Identification of Main Elements of Argument (summarize the reasons the author the author cites to support the main argument)
5. Discussion of Conclusion (what does the author conclude?)
6. Identification of at least 2 problems/strengths (might be noted about the writing, the argument(s), the sources of information, the presentation, etc.)
7. Suggests fixes/discusses strengths (for both you noted in 6.) (what might have made the work stronger/better? what is so special about the really good aspects of the work?)
8. Discuss potential effect of fixes/problems/improvements/strengths (what results might you expect (wider audience, easier read, better argument, etc.)?)
9. Discuss potential effect(s) of the book/article's publication (who would most benefit from reading the work, what might it lead readers to do or think?).

other source :

Writing Article Reviews
Writing Technique

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

How to add your own icon to in the mambo side


1) Create your favourite icon. u can create icon online

2) Download and rename your icon.

3) Go to your Mambo Admin page, and go to Global Configuration and on the
On the Site tab look for "Favourite Site Icon" change from favico.ico to your own icon name, and Save it

4) Upload your icon to /mambo/images directory

5)Refresh your page and you will see your own icon wallah !!


Monday, July 11, 2005

Googgle yg pemurah....

Google adsenss:

Tgk laa aku click sendiri jaa dah dapat. RM 4 ringgit sehari hehe klu kawan klick kan ok apa

1) Nak signup mmg free jer..korang pie kat
Google Adsense

2) Pah tuh hangpa ada blog kan paste laa code yg ada kat situh
dia ada 2 type advertisement 1) Adsense 2) Search

3) Yg search nie aku buat local search klu nk search google guner code yg nie jaa Right Click -> Save as.. pah tuh open file nie and search laa .. mcm biasa

klu yg adesense ko kopi code dier contoh mcm kat blog den nih ehhe

4) Buat hari2.. refresh page and click sendiri.. yer laa nk suh org click kan mcm tak leh jaa.. hehe.. so saper ader nmpk kwn2 yg ader letak adsense.. tolong2 laa dier org.. hehe .. alah click sekali jaa.. kan kan akn.. ;-)

Friday, July 01, 2005

Extensions FireFox aku guner skrg

1.Lastab 1.1 buleh switch antara tabs tekan [ctrl]+[tab]
2.Tab Browser Preferences satau features yg best auto open kat new tab bila open new window
3.PDF Download - Bagi kiter options nak download atau lihat pdf
4.Image Zoom - Buleh Zoom Image oo
5. ShowIP - lihat ip adrees leh tracert/whois/

Monday, June 13, 2005

Dirty way to Installing pear with windows XP (thanks r0kawa)

1st and save the txt as go-pear.txt at your ../www/php/

2n go to commadn prompt and go to php directory in this case c:/easyphp/php/

3rd type php go-pear.txt

4 You will get a prompt asking for sthing just enter and you will see another prompt about proxies just click enter again

5th just remain the prefix things and hit enter again

6th if u the first time type "Y" to install the default pear packages

7th Make sure you have internet connection ;) and enter all along and skip the configuring your php.ini by type n

now you are peared....

to view all installed pear packages in your pc

type : pear list (C:\EasyPHP\php> pear list)

to list all avalaible packages

type: pear list-all (C:\EasyPHP\php> pear list-all)

to install desired packages

type: pear install andthepackagename (C:\EasyPHP\php>pear install packagesnames)

to view avalaible pear command just type pear

Quick and Dirty way to remove linux partition in windows XP home edition sp2

1st go to Control Panel and Switch as Classic View in your control panel

2nd Go to Computer Management, under the Storage click the Disk Management

3rd You will see uknown partition except your windows partition.Click the partion and delete by pressing delete button one bye one.

4th After delete the partion , you can create the new logical drive (right click on the new partiton) by wizard..

then format your drive and its all done..!!!!

Remove grub and restore windows xp home edition sp2

how to restore windows boot(windows xp home edition sp 2)

1st You need the Microsoft windows XP CD
2nd Need to know your Administrator password
3rd Know the right command
4th Refrence site

1st You need to know your Administrator pass not the your local user name such as ayam, joh doe cause you need this "Adminsitrator"

*if your forget ....
- Login as computer administrator
- go to command prompt (start -> run as -> cmd.exe [enter])
- type "net user Administrator *".
- Type your new password twice

2nd Insert the windows XP cd.. and boot through the cd
- after that hit "R" to return to recovery console
- type your Administrator password
- and type this command to overwrite your grub boot loader "fixmbr"
- type "exit" and your computer will boot dont forget to remove the cd !!!

thats all folks....

reference site

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Comapaq+Nokia HDW-3

THis short tutorial from me how to setup bluetooth device with your laptop
here i use compaq..

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Advice for Computer Science College Students

Despite the fact that it was only a year or two ago that I was blubbering about how rich Windows GUI clients were the wave of the future, college students nonetheless do occasionally email me asking for career advice, and since it's recruiting season, I thought I'd write up my standard advice which they can read, laugh at, and ignore.

Most college students, fortunately, are brash enough never to bother asking their elders for advice, which, in the field of computer science, is a good thing, because their elders are apt to say goofy, antediluvian things like "the demand for keypunch operators will exceed 100,000,000 by the year 2010" and "lisp careers are really very hot right now."

I, too, have no idea what I'm talking about when I give advice to college students. I'm so hopelessly out of date that I can't really figure out AIM and still use (horrors!) this quaint old thing called "email" which was popular in the days when music came on flat round plates called "CDs."

So you'd be better off ignoring what I'm saying here and instead building some kind of online software thing that lets other students find people to go out on dates with.


If you enjoy programming computers, count your blessings: you are in a very fortunate minority of people who can make a great living doing work they enjoy. Most people aren't so lucky. The very idea that you can "love your job" is a modern concept. Work is supposed to be something unpleasant you do to get money to do the things you actually like doing, when you're 65 and can finally retire, if you can afford it, and if you're not too old and infirm to do those things, and if those things don't require reliable knees, good eyes, and the ability to walk twenty feet without being out of breath, etc.

What was I talking about? Oh yeah. Advice.

Without further ado, then, here are Joel's Seven Pieces of Free Advice for Computer Science College Students (worth what you paid for them):

1. Learn how to write before graduating.
2. Learn C before graduating.
3. Learn microeconomics before graduating.
4. Don't blow off non-CS classes just because they're boring.
5. Take programming-intensive courses.
6. Stop worrying about all the jobs going to India.
7. No matter what you do, get a good summer internship.

Now for the explanations, unless you're gullible enough to do all that stuff just because I tell you to, in which case add: 8. Seek professional help for that self-esteem thing.

Learn how to write before graduating.

Would Linux have succeeded if Linus Torvalds hadn't evangelized it? As brilliant a hacker as he is, it was Linus's ability to convey his ideas in written English via email and mailing lists that made Linux attract a worldwide brigade of volunteers.

Have you heard of the latest fad, Extreme Programming? Well, without getting into what I think about XP, the reason you've heard of it is because it is being promoted by people who are very gifted writers and speakers.

Even on the small scale, when you look at any programming organization, the programmers with the most power and influence are the ones who can write and speak in English clearly, convincingly, and comfortably. Also it helps to be tall, but you can't do anything about that.

The difference between a tolerable programmer and a great programmer is not how many programming languages they know, and it's not whether they prefer Python or Java. It's whether they can communicate their ideas. By persuading other people, they get leverage. By writing clear comments and technical specs, they let other programmers understand their code, which means other programmers can use and work with their code instead of rewriting it. Absent this, their code is worthless. By writing clear technical documentation for end users, they allow people to figure out what their code is supposed to do, which is the only way those users can see the value in their code. There's a lot of wonderful, useful code buried on sourceforge somewhere that nobody uses because it was created by programmers who don't write very well (or don't write at all), and so nobody knows what they've done and their brilliant code languishes.

I won't hire a programmer unless they can write, and write well, in English. If you can write, wherever you get hired, you'll soon find that you're getting asked to write the specifications and that means you're already leveraging your influence and getting noticed by management.

Most colleges designate certain classes as "writing intensive," meaning, you have a to write an awful lot to pass them. Look for those classes and take them! Seek out classes in any field that have weekly or daily written assignments.

Start a journal or weblog. The more you write, the easier it will be, and the easier it is to write, the more you'll write, in a virtuous circle.

Learn C before graduating

Part two: C. Notice I didn't say C++. Although C is becoming increasingly rare, it is still the lingua franca of working programmers. It is the language they use to communicate with one another, and, more importantly, it is much closer to the machine than "modern" languages that you'll be taught in college like ML, Java, Python, whatever trendy junk they teach these days. You need to spend at least a semester getting close to the machine or you'll never be able to create efficient code in higher level languages. You'll never be able to work on compilers and operating systems, which are some of the best programming jobs around. You'll never be trusted to create architectures for large scale projects. I don't care how much you know about continuations and closures and exception handling: if you can't explain why while (*s++ = *t++); copies a string, or if that isn't the most natural thing in the world to you, well, you're programming based on superstition, as far as I'm concerned: a medical doctor who doesn't know basic anatomy, passing out prescriptions based on what the pharma sales babe said would work.

Learn microeconomics before graduating

Super quick review if you haven't taken any economics courses: econ is one of those fields that starts off with a bang, with many useful theories and facts that make sense, can be proven in the field, etc., and then it's all downhill from there. The useful bang at the beginning is microeconomics, which is the foundation for literally every theory in business that matters. After that things start to deteriorate: you get into Macroeconomics (feel free to skip this if you want) with its interesting theories about things like the relationship of interest rates to unemployment which, er, seem to be disproven more often than they are proven, and after that it just gets worse and worse and a lot of econ majors switch out to Physics, which gets them better Wall Street jobs, anyway. But make sure you take Microeconomics, because you have to know about supply and demand, you have to know about competitive advantage, and you have to understand NPVs and discounting and marginal utility before you'll have any idea why business works the way it does.

Why should CS majors learn econ? Because a programmer who understands the fundamentals of business is going to be a more valuable programmer, to a business, than a programmer who doesn't. That's all there is to it. I can't tell you how many times I've been frustrated by programmers with crazy ideas that make sense in code but don't make sense in capitalism. If you understand this stuff, you're a more valuable programmer, and you'll get rewarded for it, for reasons which you'll also learn in micro.

Don't blow off non-CS classes just because they're boring.

Blowing off your non-CS courses is a great way to get a lower GPA.

Never underestimate how big a deal your GPA is. Lots and lots of recruiters and hiring managers, myself included, go straight to the GPA when they scan a resume, and we're not going to apologize for it. Why? Because the GPA, more than any other one number, reflects the sum of what dozens of professors over a long period of time in many different situations think about your work. SAT scores? Ha! That's one test over a few hours. The GPA reflects hundreds of papers and midterms and classroom participations over four years. Yeah, it's got its problems. There has been grade inflation over the years. Nothing about your GPA says whether you got that GPA taking easy classes in home economics at Podunk Community College or taking graduate level Quantum Mechanics at Caltech. Eventually, after I screen out all the 2.5 GPAs from Podunk Community, I'm going to ask for transcripts and recommendations. And then I'm going to look for consistently high grades, not just high grades in computer science.

Why should I, as an employer looking for software developers, care about what grade you got in European History? After all, history is boring. Oh, so, you're saying I should hire you because you don't work very hard when the work is boring? Well, there's boring stuff in programming, too. Every job has its boring moments. And I don't want to hire people that only want to do the fun stuff.

I took this course in college called Cultural Anthropology because I figured, what the heck, I need to learn something about anthropology, and this looked like an interesting survey course.

Interesting? Not even close! I had to read these incredibly monotonous books about Indians in the Brazilian rain forest and Trobriand Islanders, who, with all due respect, are not very interesting to me. At some point, the class was so incredibly wearisome that I longed for something more exciting, like watching grass grow. I had completely lost interest in the subject matter. Completely, and thoroughly. My eyes teared I was so tired of the endless discussions of piling up yams. I don't know why the Trobriand Islanders spend so much time piling up yams, I can't remember any more, it's incredibly boring, but It Was Going To Be On The Midterm, so I plowed through it. I eventually decided that Cultural Anthropology was going to be my Boredom Gauntlet: my personal obstacle course of tedium. If I could get an A in a class where the tests required me to learn all about potlatch blankets, I could handle anything, no matter how boring. The next time I accidentally get stuck in Lincoln Center sitting through all 18 hours of Wagner’s Ring Cycle, I could thank my studies of the Kwakiutl for making it seem pleasant by comparison.

I got an A. And if I could do it, you can do it.

Take programming-intensive courses.

I remember the exact moment I vowed never to go to graduate school.

It was in a course on Dynamic Logic, taught by the dynamic Lenore Zuck at Yale, one of the brightest of an array of very bright CS faculty.

Now, my murky recollections are not going to do proper credit to this field, but let me muddle through anyway. The idea of Formal Logic is that you prove things are true because other things are true. For example thanks to Formal Logic, "Everyone who gets good grades will get hired" plus "Johnny got good grades" allows you to discover the new true fact, "Johnny will get hired." It's all very quaint and it only takes ten seconds for a deconstructionist to totally tear apart everything useful in Formal Logic so you're left with something fun, but useless.

Now, dynamic logic is the same thing, with the addition of time. For example, "after you turn the light on, you can see your shoes" plus "The light went on in the past" implies "you can see your shoes."

Dynamic Logic is appealing to brilliant theoreticians like Professor Zuck because it holds up the hope that you might be able to formally prove things about computer programs, which could be very useful, if, for example, you could formally prove that the Mars Rover's flash card wouldn't overflow and cause itself to be rebooted again and again all day long when it's supposed to be driving around the red planet looking for Marvin the Martian.

So in the first day of that class, Dr. Zuck filled up two entire whiteboards and quite a lot of the wall next to the whiteboards proving that if you have a light switch, and the light was off, and you flip the switch, the light will then be on.

The proof was insanely complicated, and very error-prone. It was harder to prove that the proof was correct than to convince yourself of the fact that switching a light switch turns on the light. Indeed the multiple whiteboards of proof included many skipped steps, skipped because they were too tedious to go into formally. Many steps were reached using the long-cherished method of Proof by Induction, others by Proof by Reductio ad Absurdum, and still others using Proof by Graduate Student.

For our homework, we had to prove the converse: if the light was off, and it's on now, prove that you flipped it.

I tried, I really did.

I spent hours in the library trying.

After a couple of hours I found a mistake in Dr. Zuck's original proof which I was trying to emulate. Probably I copied it down wrong, but it made me realize something: if it takes three hours of filling up blackboards to prove something trivial, allowing hundreds of opportunities for mistakes to slip in, this mechanism would never be able to prove things that are interesting.

Not that that matters to dynamic logicians: they're not in it for useful, they're in it for tenure.

I dropped the class and vowed never to go to graduate school in Computer Science.

The moral of the story is that computer science is not the same as software development. If you're really really lucky, your school might have a decent software development curriculum, although, they might not, because elite schools think that teaching practical skills is better left to the technical-vocational institutes and the prison rehabilitation programs. You can learn mere programming anywhere. We are Yale University, and we Mold Future World Leaders. You think your $160,000 tuition entititles you to learn about while loops? What do you think this is, some fly-by-night Java seminar at the Airport Marriott? Pshaw.

The trouble is, we don't really have professional schools in software development, so if you want to be a programmer, you probably majored in Computer Science. Which is a fine subject to major in, but it's a different subject than software development.

If you're lucky, though, you can find lots of programming-intensive courses in the CS department, just like you can find lots of courses in the History department where you'll write enough to learn how to write. And those are the best classes to take. If you love programming, don't feel bad if you don't understand the point of those courses in lambda calculus or linear algebra where you never touch a computer. Look for the 400-level courses with Practicum in the name. This is an attempt to hide a useful (shudder) course from the Liberal Artsy Fartsy Administration by dolling it up with a Latin name.

Stop worrying about all the jobs going to India.

Well, OK, first of all, if you're already in India, you never really had to worry about this, so don't even start worrying about all the jobs going to India. They're wonderful jobs, enjoy them in good health.

But I keep hearing that enrollment in CS departments is dropping perilously, and one reason I hear for it is "students are afraid to go into a field where all the jobs are going to India." That's so wrong for so many reasons. First, trying to choose a career based on a current business fad is foolish. Second, programming is incredibly good training for all kinds of fabulously interesting jobs, such as business process engineering, even if every single programming job does go to India and China. Third, and trust me on this, there's still an incredible shortage of the really good programmers, here and in India. Yes, there are a bunch of out of work IT people making a lot of noise about how long they've been out of work, but you know what? At the risk of pissing them off, really good programmers do have jobs. Fourth, you got any better ideas? What are you going to do, major in History? Then you'll have no choice but to go to law school. And there's one thing I do know: 99% of working lawyers hate their jobs, hate every waking minute of it, and they're working 90 hour weeks, too. Like I said: if you love to program computers, count your blessings: you are in a very fortunate minority of people who can make a great living doing work they love.

Anyway, I don't think students really think about this. The drop in CS enrollment is merely a resumption of historically normal levels after a big bubble in enrollment caused by dotcom mania. That bubble consisted of people who didn't really like programming but thought the sexy high paid jobs and the chances to IPO at age 24 were to be found in the CS department. Those people, thankfully, are long gone.

No matter what you do, get a good summer internship.

Smart recruiters know that the people who love programming wrote a database for their dentist in 8th grade, and taught at computer camp for three summers before college, and built the content management system for the campus newspaper, and had summer internships at software companies. That's what they're looking for on your resume.

If you enjoy programming, the biggest mistake you can make is to take any kind of job--summer, part time, or otherwise--that is not a programming job. I know, every other 19-year-old wants to work in the mall folding shirts, but you have a skill that is incredibly valuable even when you're 19, and it's foolish to waste it folding shirts. By the time you graduate, you really should have a resume that lists a whole bunch of programming jobs. The A&F graduates are going to be working at Enterprise Rent-a-Car "helping people with their rental needs." (Except for Tom Welling. He plays Superman on TV.)

To make your life really easy, and to underscore just how completely self-serving this whole essay is, my company, Fog Creek Software, has summer internships in software development that look great on resumes. "You will most likely learn more about software coding, development, and business with Fog Creek Software than any other internship out there," says Ben, one of the interns from last summer, and not entirely because I sent a goon out to his dorm room to get him to say that. The application deadline is February 1st. Get on it.

If you follow my advice, you, too, may end up selling stock in Microsoft way too soon, turning down jobs at Google because you want your own office with a door, and other stupid life decisions, but they won't be my fault. I told you not to listen to me.

The contents of these pages represent the opinions of one person.
All contents Copyright © 1999-2005 by Joel Spolsky. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, April 29, 2005

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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Critical Thinking in Everyday Life: 9 Strategies

:: is it tue (^ ^) ::

Most of us are not what we could be. We are less. We have great capacity. But most of it is dormant; most is undeveloped. Improvement in thinking is like improvement in basketball, in ballet, or in playing the saxophone. It is unlikely to take place in the absence of a conscious commitment to learn. As long as we take our thinking for granted, we don’t do the work required for improvement.

Development in thinking requires a gradual process requiring plateaus of learning and just plain hard work. It is not possible to become an excellent thinker simply because one wills it. Changing one’s habits of thought is a long-range project, happening over years, not weeks or months. The essential traits of a critical thinker require an extended period of development.

How, then, can we develop as critical thinkers? How can we help ourselves and our students to practice better thinking in everyday life?

First, we must understand that there are stages required for development as a critical thinker:

Stage One: The Unreflective Thinker (we are unaware of significant problems in our thinking)
Stage Two: The Challenged Thinker (we become aware of problems in our thinking)
Stage Three: The Beginning Thinker (we try to improve but without regular practice)
Stage Four: The Practicing Thinker (we recognize the necessity of regular practice)
Stage Five: The Advanced Thinker (we advance in accordance with our practice)
Stage Six: The Master Thinker (skilled & insightful thinking become second nature to us)

We develop through these stages if we:

1) accept the fact that there are serious problems in our thinking (accepting the challenge to our thinking) and
2) begin regular practice.

In this article, we will explain 9 strategies that any motivated person can use to develop as a thinker. As we explain the strategy, we will describe it as if we were talking directly to such a person. Further details to our descriptions may need to be added for those who know little about critical thinking. Here are the 9:

1. Use “Wasted” Time.
2. A Problem A Day.
3. Internalize Intellectual Standards.
4. Keep An Intellectual Journal.
5. Reshape Your Character.
6. Deal with Your Ego.
7. Redefine the Way You See Things.
8. Get in touch with your emotions.
9. Analyze group influences on your life.

There is nothing magical about our ideas. No one of them is essential. Nevertheless, each represents a plausible way to begin to do something concrete to improve thinking in a regular way. Though you probably can’t do all of these at the same time, we recommend an approach in which you experiment with all of these over an extended period of time.

First Strategy: Use “Wasted” Time. All humans waste some time; that is, fail to use all of their time productively or even pleasurably. Sometimes we jump from one diversion to another, without enjoying any of them. Sometimes we become irritated about matters beyond our control. Sometimes we fail to plan well causing us negative consequences we could easily have avoided (for example, we spend time unnecessarily trapped in traffic—though we could have left a half hour earlier and avoided the rush). Sometimes we worry unproductively. Sometimes we spend time regretting what is past. Sometimes we just stare off blankly into space.

The key is that the time is “gone” even though, if we had thought about it and considered our options, we would never have deliberately spent our time in the way we did. So why not take advantage of the time you normally waste by practicing your critical thinking during that otherwise wasted time? For example, instead of sitting in front of the TV at the end of the day flicking from channel to channel in a vain search for a program worth watching, spend that time, or at least part of it, thinking back over your day and evaluating your strengths and weaknesses. For example, you might ask yourself questions like these:

When did I do my worst thinking today? When did I do my best? What in fact did I think about today? Did I figure anything out? Did I allow any negative thinking to frustrate me unnecessarily? If I had to repeat today what would I do differently? Why? Did I do anything today to further my long-term goals? Did I act in accordance with my own expressed values? If I spent everyday this way for 10 years, would I at the end have accomplished something worthy of that time?

It would be important of course to take a little time with each question. It would also be useful to record your observations so that you are forced to spell out details and be explicit in what you recognize and see. As time passes, you will notice patterns in your thinking.

Second Strategy: A Problem A Day. At the beginning of each day (perhaps driving to work or going to school) choose a problem to work on when you have free moments. Figure out the logic of the problem by identifying its elements. In other words, systematically think through the questions: What exactly is the problem? How can I put it into the form of a question. How does it relate to my goals, purposes, and needs?

1) Wherever possible take problems one by one. State the problem as clearly and precisely as you can.
2) Study the problem to make clear the “kind” of problem you are dealing with. Figure out, for example, what sorts of things you are going to have to do to solve it. Distinguish Problems over which you have some control from problems over which you have no control. Set aside the problems over which you have no control, concentrating your efforts on those problems you can potentially solve.
3) Figure out the information you need and actively seek that information.
4) Carefully analyze and interpret the information you collect, drawing what reasonable inferences you can.
5) Figure out your options for action. What can you do in the short term? In the long term? Distinguish problems under your control from problems beyond your control. Recognize explicitly your limitations as far as money, time, and power.
6) Evaluate your options, taking into account their advantages and disadvantages in the situation you are in.
7) Adopt a strategic approach to the problem and follow through on that strategy. This may involve direct action or a carefully thought-through wait-and-see strategy.
8) When you act, monitor the implications of your action as they begin to emerge. Be ready at a moment’s notice to revise your strategy if the situation requires it. Be prepared to shift your strategy or your analysis or statement of the problem, or all three, as more information about the problem becomes available to you.

Third Strategy: Internalize Intellectual Standards. Each week, develop a heightened awareness of one of the universal intellectual standards (clarity, precision, accuracy, relevance, depth, breadth, logicalness, significance). Focus one week on clarity, the next on accuracy, etc. For example, if you are focusing on clarity for the week, try to notice when you are being unclear in communicating with others. Notice when others are unclear in what they are saying.

When you are reading, notice whether you are clear about what you are reading. When you orally express or write out your views (for whatever reason), ask yourself whether you are clear about what you are trying to say. In doing this, of course, focus on four techniques of clarification : 1) Stating what you are saying explicitly and precisely (with careful consideration given to your choice of words), 2) Elaborating on your meaning in other words, 3) Giving examples of what you mean from experiences you have had, and 4) Using analogies, metaphors, pictures, or diagrams to illustrate what you mean. In other words, you will frequently STATE, ELABORATE, ILLUSTRATE, AND EXEMPLIFY your points. You will regularly ask others to do the same.

Fourth Strategy: Keep An Intellectual Journal. Each week, write out a certain number of journal entries. Use the following format (keeping each numbered stage separate):

1. Situation. Describe a situation that is, or was, emotionally significant to you (that is, that you deeply care about). Focus on one situation at a time.
2. Your Response. Describe what you did in response to that situation. Be specific and exact.
3. Analysis. Then analyze, in the light of what you have written, what precisely was going on in the situation. Dig beneath the surface.
4. Assessment. Assess the implications of your analysis. What did you learn about yourself? What would you do differently if you could re-live the situation?

Strategy Five:
Reshape Your Character. Choose one intellectual trait---intellectual perseverance, autonomy, empathy, courage, humility, etc.--- to strive for each month, focusing on how you can develop that trait in yourself. For example, concentrating on intellectual humility, begin to notice when you admit you are wrong. Notice when you refuse to admit you are wrong, even in the face of glaring evidence that you are in fact wrong. Notice when you become defensive when another person tries to point out a deficiency in your work, or your thinking. Notice when your intellectual arrogance keeps you from learning, for example, when you say to yourself “I already know everything I need to know about this subject.” Or, “I know as much as he does. Who does he think he is forcing his opinions on me?” By owning your “ignorance,” you can begin to deal with it.

Strategy Six:
Deal with Your Egocentrism. Egocentric thinking is found in the disposition in human nature to think with an automatic subconscious bias in favor of oneself. On a daily basis, you can begin to observe your egocentric thinking in action by contemplating questions like these: Under what circumstances do I think with a bias in favor of myself? Did I ever become irritable over small things? Did I do or say anything “irrational” to get my way? Did I try to impose my will upon others? Did I ever fail to speak my mind when I felt strongly about something, and then later feel resentment? Once you identify egocentric thinking in operation, you can then work to replace it with more rational thought through systematic self-reflection, thinking along the lines of: What would a rational person feel in this or that situation? What would a rational person do? How does that compare with what I want to do? (Hint: If you find that you continually conclude that a rational person would behave just as you behaved you are probably engaging in self-deception.)

Strategy Seven:
Redefine the Way You See Things. We live in a world, both personal and social, in which every situation is “defined,” that is, given a meaning. How a situation is defined determines not only how we feel about it, but also how we act in it, and what implications it has for us. However, virtually every situation can be defined in more than one way. This fact carries with it tremendous opportunities. In principle, it lies within your power and mine to make our lives more happy and fulfilling than they are. Many of the negative definitions that we give to situations in our lives could in principle be transformed into positive ones. We can be happy when otherwise we would have been sad.

We can be fulfilled when otherwise we would have been frustrated. In this strategy, we practice redefining the way we see things, turning negatives into positives, dead-ends into new beginnings, mistakes into opportunities to learn. To make this strategy practical, we should create some specific guidelines for ourselves. For example, we might make ourselves a list of five to ten recurrent negative contexts in which we feel frustrated, angry, unhappy, or worried. We could then identify the definition in each case that is at the root of the negative emotion. We would then choose a plausible alternative definition for each and then plan for our new responses as well as new emotions. For example, if you tend to worry about all problems, both the ones you can do something about and those that you can’t; you can review the thinking in this nursery rhyme:
“For every problem under the sun, there is a solution or there is none. If there be one, think til you find it. If there be none, then never mind it.”

Let’s look at another example. You do not have to define your initial approach to a member of the opposite sex in terms of the definition “his/her response will determine whether or not I am an attractive person.” Alternatively, you could define it in terms of the definition “let me test to see if this person is initially drawn to me—given the way they perceive me.” With the first definition in mind, you feel personally put down if the person is not “interested” in you; with the second definition you explicitly recognize that people respond not to the way a stranger is, but the way they look to them subjectively. You therefore do not take a failure to show interest in you (on the part of another) as a “defect” in you.

Strategy Eight:
Get in touch with your emotions: Whenever you feel some negative emotion, systematically ask yourself: What, exactly, is the thinking leading to this emotion? For example, if you are angry, ask yourself, what is the thinking that is making me angry? What other ways could I think about this situation? For example, can you think about the situation so as to see the humor in it and what is pitiable in it? If you can, concentrate on that thinking and your emotions will (eventually) shift to match it.

Strategy Nine: Analyze group influences on your life: Closely analyze the behavior that is encouraged, and discouraged, in the groups to which you belong. For any given group, what are you "required" to believe? What are you "forbidden" to do? Every group enforces some level of conformity. Most people live much too much within the view of themselves projected by others. Discover what pressure you are bowing to and think explicitly about whether or not to reject that pressure.

The key point to keep in mind when devising strategies is that you are engaged in a personal experiment. You are testing ideas in your everyday life. You are integrating them, and building on them, in the light of your actual experience. For example, suppose you find the strategy “Redefine the Way You See Things” to be intuitive to you. So you use it to begin. Pretty soon you find yourself noticing the social definitions that rule many situations in your life. You recognize how your behavior is shaped and controlled by the definitions in use:

“I’m giving a party,” (Everyone therefore knows to act in a “partying” way)
“The funeral is Tuesday,” (There are specific social behaviors expected at a funeral
. “Jack is an acquaintance, not really a friend.” (We behave very differently in the two cases)
You begin to see how important and pervasive social definitions are. You begin to redefine situations in ways that run contrary to some commonly accepted definitions. You notice then how redefining situations (and relationships) enables you to “Get in Touch With Your Emotions.” You recognize that the way you think (that is, define things) generates the emotions you experience. When you think you are threatened (i.e., define a situation as “threatening”), you feel fear. If you define a situation as a “failure,” you may feel depressed. On the other hand, if you define that same situation as a “lesson or opportunity to learn” you feel empowered to learn. When you recognize this control that you are capable of exercising, the two strategies begin to work together and reinforce each other.

Next consider how you could integrate strategy #9 (“Analyze group influences on your life”) into your practice. One of the main things that groups do is control us by controlling the definitions we are allowed to operate with. When a group defines some things as “cool” and some as “dumb, ” the members of the group try to appear “cool” and not appear “dumb.” When the boss of a business says, “That makes a lot of sense,” his subordinates know they are not to say, “No, it is ridiculous.” And they know this because defining someone as the “boss” gives him/her special privileges to define situations and relationships.

You now have three interwoven strategies: you “Redefine the Way You See Things,” “Get in touch with your emotions,” and “Analyze group influences on your life.” The three strategies are integrated into one. You can now experiment with any of the other strategies, looking for opportunities to integrate them into your thinking and your life. If you follow through on some plan analogous to what we have described, you are developing as a thinker. More precisely, you are becoming a “Practicing” Thinker. Your practice will bring advancement. And with advancement, skilled and insightful thinking may becomes more and more natural to you.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

::Google Hacks::

Lamer sih tak mengepos basic..
nie aku nyer favourite search function kat google....

if u want to find mp3 in index of website
intitle:index of intitle:mp3 -html -htm name size ayumi

if u want to find pdf file
"google hacks" filetype:pdf

dulu ader gaks bacer buku google hacks nie..
tp tak dapat mendigest ngan berkesan...

jumper situs yg best heheh
SItus nie dlm Bahasa ku Indonesia ;-)

Saturday, March 26, 2005

::WinAmp Yahoo! Messenger Plugin ::

:: Status ok kut ::

gen_msgr.dll (hack version ehhehe)
plugin yg boleh menukar status anda mengikut lagu yg di mainkan di winamp anda

Nak Configure camner

1) Dload File tuh
2) Pas tuh unzip kan kat folder C:\Program Files\Winamp\Plugins
3) Pie kat WinAmp tekan [ctrl+p]
4) Nampak Yahoo Messenger... Plugin Configuration - dh nampak click aaa
5) Pah tuh click "Configure Selected Plugin"
6) %A utk nama artist , %T tajuk lagu %U nnt kuar link website creator nie kut

Monday, March 21, 2005

Scope Resolution Operator (::)

klu tgk OOP coding mesti ader kod double dot ::
namer dier dalam manual panggil "Scope Resolution Operator"

check for this manual for the info..

susah nk terangkan lagie.. dok paham sangat..

:: MySql 5 : Store Procedure

hmm ader new features dlm mysql version terbaru.. yg seakaan2 seperti MSSQL iaitu
stored PROCEDURE..

apa itu store procedure ?
yg nie adalah satu function yg kita buleh create kan dalam MySQL kan , dengan menggunakan SP nie.. ia akan memeudah kan kita untuk mengupdate or insert dalam database dengan hanya menggunakan panggil();

huhu tak sempat nk elobrate lagie.. so akan update lagi soon
bye.. sbb panas sangat cuaca hari nie hehehe

Sunday, February 27, 2005


::stalled mode::

Dah buh link baru sensible link.. collection link yg bagus utk di pelajari..
yet good to understand <-- banyak motv quotes...

what they said.. motivation is need evry day like wo do bath every day...
something like that lah..

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


DATE_ADD(cst_date, INTERVAL 7 DAY) - CURDATE()) <=7 AND (DATE_ADD(cst_date, INTERVAL 7 DAY) - CURDATE()) >= 0

mysql checking utk list kan tarikh 7 hari dr tarikh tersebut

huh berpeluh jugak.. nk buat checking simple nih...

Sunday, January 16, 2005

::PHP Class ::

dlm php 5 and php 4 ader satu special class dier call Constructor

- Constructor nie dier auto define/auto execute class

dlm PHP 5 :


dlm PHP 4 :

function xxx() <-- namer dier mesti same dengan namer class

nie juse short noter.. note best dari mr vikram..
saper tak paham OOP .. leh jadi paham klu bacernote

PHP 101 (part 7): The Bear Necessities

Sunday, January 09, 2005

::PHP : A-Z Link Generator ::

1) guner ascii key table
2) amik kat zend nyer site

for ($i=65;$i<91;$i++) href="%s?letter=%s">%s ', $PHP_SELF, chr($i), chr($i));

function chr() nie akan list kan ascii character.. based on thier number

ascii table site

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

::PHP : Continue and Break (Basic) ::

Saper pernah belajar structured programming bender nie pun mmg berguner kat php..


tugas dier akan stop the loop pas tuh sambung balik klu value dier..
samer ngan condition di beri .. X paham e.g

while (list ($key, $value) = each ($arr)) {
if (!($key % 2)) { // skip odd members
do_something_odd ($value);


loop akan stop jiker meet the condition.. terus berhenti..
dier kuar dr loop Xpaham.. e.g

$arr = array ('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'stop', 'five');
while (list (, $val) = each ($arr)) {
if ($val == 'stop') {
break; /* You could also write 'break 1;' here. */
echo "$val

nombor lima takkan kuar...